Why There Are So Many Transexuals in Tech

Jan. 10, 2023 [technology] [politics]

This might be stating the obvious, but there is no doubt a disproportionately high number of transexuals (See: UNIX trannies) within the computer industry and hobbyist spaces. I can only offer hypothesis on why this is. It could be totally wrong, but having an inquisitive exchange is all but impossible when that demographic is so ready to blockade anybody who can see that the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes. Some observations:

Eroding contact with female peers and inceldom

This is particularly accentuated among the shy computer nerd demographic. Courtship is being centralized and it has left a ton of desperate young men in its wake. So the mentality for some sufferers appears to shift to becoming what one cannot have.

The coorelation between autism, computers and transexualism

Covered in Asymmetry of Digital Literacy Between The Political Divide, paragraph two. To recap, there is strong coorelation between autism and interest in computers. There is also strong coorelation between autism and dysphoria. Apply transitive property.

Anime, female avatars and video game character creators

Again, there are lots of lonely nerds among IT ranks. Some of their only (and first) exposure to positive female “attention” comes in the form of anime or pony cartoons. To them it doesn’t matter that it is fake. They go on to, somewhat understandably, become enamored. If you’re feeling brave, just have a look through some of the dialogues in their community spaces. For others, I suspect things get taken a bit further. These female characters take on the position of role models to be emulated. The thinking must go something like “They’re so happy and successful, if only I were more like her I could be too!”. Queue slippery slope.

And a rhetorical question: What does playing through a role playing game as the opposite sex do to the psychology of a developing mind?

Crossing of the wires which compel the male mind to find the female figure appealing

This one rides on the back of another stereotype based in reality being that computer nerds are shrimpy wimps or greasy fatasses. When one’s body proportions stand so far from the male ideal, it must become easier to rationalize and persue female proportions instead. I believe this is one of the basis for autogynephilia. A fetish in which a man experiences sexual arousal by the thought of being a woman.

Observational anecdotes

I have attended a fair few technology conferences. I have worked at several IT organizations. Each and every time there has be a significant population of those bearing the qualities described above (with varying degrees of expression). It is the reason why I have even pondered on the topic. I’m aware that my hypothesis is not fully developed and probably riddled with holes. Just spitballing.

I once had known a rather chill and professional dude who I surmise had succumbed to the anime pipeline. He made known his favorite show being 君に届け, or Kimi ni Todoke, among a few others which a quick search reveals are heavily geared toward a female audience. The current sociopolitical atmosphere likely had a catalyzing effect. In a matter of years began the surgeries and formal transition.

With so many autogynephiles trying to bend reality who also work and tinker in tech, it is no wonder that there has been such a strong push to control language and create “tolerant” environments online. The force feeding of totally unecessary CoCs (codes of censorship) into FOSS projects makes its true intentions known. I predict further decay as their reach grows deeper into existing projects, and given historical trends.