
A sporadic stream of insights on digital technology and other issues. [more]

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Oct. 9, 2024

Libre Software Project Names Suck

I’ve decided I will no longer refer to Linux as GNU/Linux. Linux, with a capital L. I once thought it would lend itself to clarity and understanding, but it only leads to greater confusion.
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Sep. 20, 2024

How to Git Gud with Linux (From Zero)

Most of the content on Wrongthink assumes that readers are already competent with Linux and computers. There hasn’t been much here that speaks to the beginner, and we should respect that we all started out somewhere.
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Aug. 27, 2024

RE: Life in a Dysfunctional World

A frustrated individual recently vented some valid complaints over the intrusion of digital technology into daily life on her blog. Close, but missing the mark, I am both warmed at tech commoners waking up a bit and also disappointed in their predictably limited perspectives.
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